A clearing house for prophecy, including consultation and specific evaluation of other web sites that deal with Bible Prophecy.

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Amazing prophecies of St. Malachay about the Popes

Pick a topic for expansion below:

1. Tap into the most critical fulfillments of Bible Prophecy for the late 1990s.

2. Get feedback about other web sites on Bible Prophecy. But I'm telling you, friends, there is nothing on any of the pages listed here that will give you what you're gonna get if you read my stuff on Daniel 8 and Revelation 13 in #1. above.  Really!  

Most of the other guys are on automatic pilot from their denomination or the ahistorical inventions of the rapture publishing houses.  I still list their sites because I believe God is bigger than our foolishness, and many good brothers see things incorrectly.  We are not made right with God through perfect eschatology! But all men will know we are Christ's when we have love (ie., forbearance) toward one another.  Maranatha!

3. Learn about the relation of the Great Pyramid and Bible prophecy .

4. Learn about the prophetic meaning of the stars.

5. Learn about the practical message deriving from all this prophetic revelation.

Stay tuned! Events prophesied 2500 years ago soon to occur!

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About Larry Pahl

Table of Contents for various political science papers dealing with separation of church and state and religious liberty.

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End notes:

This page is listed in the New Riders Official World Wide Web Yellow Pages, Webcrawler, Yahoo and otherlisting services.

The Secret Time of Jesus' Birth.

Secrets behind the season. This is no longer "New!" or seasonal, but because it contains information that is NEW in terms of the 2000 year history of the Christian church, I'm going to leave this here through Christmas of '96. Why can't it be Christmas all year 'round? It is on this page!